Sarka and Sam's Blog

Discovering and learning whilst traveling

Last days in Malaysia

Our last stop in Peninsular Malaysia was Pulau Pangkor which is an island located 4 hours away from KL on the western coast.

It is rather a small place and crowded with guesthouses and hotels and restaurants but because it was the low season, we felt like having the whole island for ourselves. We stayed at Nazri Nipah Camp where hammocks are inviting for a nap and hornbills fly over your heads to land not so majestically on the roofs of your triangle-shaped bungalow. We spend most of our time with Tanja and Jack, both from Australia swimming, talking and playing monopoly with personalized and spiced-up rules. Because all community and chance cards were lost, we decided to write some stupid tricks people would have to perform when landing on the cases. I ended up with a butterfly drawn on my forehead and skull, Jack introduced himself to the rest of the residents running around the table saying “I’m a douchebag”, Tanja spoke like a retard or singing for couple of rounds and Sarka performed a Hawaiian dance and song with a guitar having only 3 old strings. The whisky made in Scotland at the front of the bottle and made in Singapore at the back was not even drank this night making the challenges even bigger.

We also rented a scooter to go around the island and spotted the public dumpsite where dogs, crows, monkeys and other animals were searching for rests of food amongst mountains of garbage. Further on the way, we took some coconuts from the trees that we would enjoy for their milk later with home-made banana slips…

The last day, we visited a traditional chinese temple where full size statues of Donald Duck, The little Mermaid and other Walt Disney creatures decorated the garden. The guardian of the place was very proud of them and asked us to sign in the guest book which we did and even made a small donation hoping to see a Lion King or Pumba in couple of years.

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